How long is a long term investment?

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Many of the wealthiest investors preach long-term investing. They believe in holding onto assets for many years. Should you align your investment strategy around this standard approach, or does short-term investing make more sense? We’ll share everything you need to know about short-term and long-term investments. Let’s dive into how long is a long term investment!

What is a long-term investment?

A long-term investment is an asset you plan to hold onto for at least one year. After that first year, any capital gains get taxed at a more favorable long-term rate. Investors pick long-term assets they believe will stand the test of time and continue expanding.

How does long-term investing work?

Long-term investors patiently wait for companies to realize their value. Instead of conducting trades based on price fluctuations, long-term investors look at a company’s fundamentals and opportunities. Warren Buffett is the model for many long-term investors. The Oracle of Omaha only buys and holds investments if he thinks they’ll be good over the next 10-20 years.

Types of long term investments

Investors can choose from several long-term assets. Diversifying your portfolio mitigates risk while providing the opportunity for respectable returns. These assets can help compound your money.

Diversified investments

Stocks give you exposure to a company’s performance. Your stock will rise or fall based on the company’s business model, public perception, and other factors. 

Investors can buy and hold multiple stocks to build diversified portfolios. If you don’t want to pick stocks, you can invest in ETFs and mutual funds instead. 

These funds provide exposure to a basket of stocks. You can select from various funds, including index funds, thematic funds, and sector-based funds. Each of these funds adds more diversification to your portfolio, too. 


Bonds provide less risk in exchange for lower returns. These assets provide long-term cash flow based on their yields. 

Treasury bonds have the lowest yields since the government backs these loans. Corporate bonds come with greater risks but also higher yields. You can find corporate bonds from well-known companies looking to raise cash for upcoming initiatives.

Retirement accounts

You can’t access the retirement account funds until you reach a certain age. However, retirement accounts compound over time and offer compelling tax advantages. 

Some retirement accounts let you contribute with pre-tax dollars. You’ll lower your tax bill while growing your portfolio. 

Other retirement accounts let you avoid taxes when selling in exchange for using taxable dollars for contributions. You’ll either pay taxes on the way in or on the way out, but you won’t have to pay both times.

Cash equivalents

Cash equivalents are similar to cash. They are liquid and provide a low-risk return. Certificates of deposit and money funds both qualify as cash equivalents. These cash equivalents won’t compound dramatically over time, but they offer some return. Cash equivalents beat collecting interest on a savings account.


People will always need a place to live. Property investing helps you profit from this need. You can buy rental properties, flip homes, invest in land, and buy other property types. You can diversify your portfolio across counties, cities, states, and countries if you desire. Property investing is a people business. You will have to expand your network to pursue new opportunities. Some investors stick with their county or nearby areas.

Is long term investing more profitable?

Long-term investing offers a more reliable and less risky path to profitability. Short-term trading can lead to significant profits, but they can also fall flat. Short-term trading relies on uncontrollable price fluctuations, while long-term investing relies on a company’s fundamentals.

Benefits of long term investing

Long-term investing offers many benefits over short-term trading. We’ll outline some of the benefits that come with this investing approach.

Tax benefits

Long-term investing offers favorable tax benefits due to capital gains rates. Capital gains on short-term trades get taxed higher than long-term gains. Any asset you’ve held onto for over a year gets defined as a long-term capital gain for taxing purposes. 

Investors don’t pay taxes until they sell their assets. Legally avoiding tax payments by holding onto shares gives you more money to invest into your portfolio. Most people sell their stocks during retirement because a lower income leads to more favorable tax treatment for stock sales.

Less investing risk

Long-term investors don’t care about what happens to their shares in a few weeks. They can weather the storm knowing they invested in the company’s outlook several years from now. Short-term traders don’t have the same luxury. An option that rapidly falls out of the money can quickly become worthless, even if you bought it yesterday.

Compounding interest

Compounding interest helps your portfolio grow over time. It’s difficult to see compound interest in work since its effect is minimal during small timeframes. 

However, an 8% return compounded over 10 years will more than double your money. You will double your money quicker with recurring contributions. Some investors put their money in a high yield savings account to earn low-risk interest.

Less time-consuming

Long-term investing takes less time. The buy and hold strategy leaves little excitement for your portfolio. Less portfolio excitement means less time checking the markets, reviewing your positions, and refreshing your screen. Long-term investing gives you more time to grow your income and pursue new opportunities.

Long term investment vs short term investment

Long-term investments take less time to manage and review. Investors buy assets they believe will do well over the next few years. 

Short-term investors take a must-win-now mentality, which opens the door to greater risks and heightens the potential for loss. Short-term investing requires more time than long-term investing and can frequently distract you from other activities. Long-term investing offers a less risky path to wealth.

Grow your portfolio with long-term investing

Investing comes with no guarantees. We can only increase our likelihood of success and take proper precautions. Long-term investing reduces risk by expanding your time horizon. 

This investing approach also gives you more time to pursue other activities and grow your career. Investing is a popular path to wealth, and many people get there through long-term investing.


What is the purpose of long-term investment?

Long-term investments aim to provide returns to patient investors with less time and effort.

What is a long-term investment strategy?

A long-term investment strategy revolves around buying assets that you hold onto for several years.

What are the advantages of long-term investments?

Long-term investments offer tax advantages, less risk, and more time to pursue other activities.

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