Health is Wealth – The health benefits of cold temperatures

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In this episode of Health is Wealth, Dr. G explains the health benefits of cold temperatures. Remember always consult a doctor before trying anything. This is especially important if you already have medical conditions that you are treating.

Video Transcription

They say health is wealth, and it makes sense, right? Your body and your mind, well, those are investments, and the more you pay attention to what you’re putting into them, the more control you have at what you get out of it. One thing I want to talk about is cold exposure. We feel like we lose control when we’re in cold exposure, but it’s actually incredibly therapeutic for your body. It was one of my top recommendations for 2022. We often avoid the cold, but we don’t consider its therapeutic potential. So what are some of the benefits of cold exposure? Improved metabolism, decrease insulin, and improved glucose tolerance, thermogenesis of brown fat, especially around the heart, meaning fat loss. Improved immunity and better tolerance overall too cold temperatures. And here’s the key. You only need 11 minutes total per week of cold exposure to realize these benefits. So try jumping into a cold pool, or a lake, or a tub. Go outside in the winter cold in your bathing suit, but make sure you talk to your doctor and be safe about it. Remember, just like investing, good health is all about consistency, and the most satisfying gains come with patience, time, and routine.

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