Health is Wealth – The benefits of Garlic

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In this episode of Health and Wealth Dr. G talks to us about the health benefits of Garlic. Garlic makes things taste great but they also have many health benefits. Watch the video to learn more.

Video Transcription

They say health is wealth, and it makes sense, right? Your body and your mind, those are investments. And the more you pay attention to what you’re putting in them, the more control you have of what you get out of them. When it comes to the benefits of garlic, and there is a lot, you got to be cooking it the right way. I know a lot of you use garlic and a lot of your favorite foods utilize it. Garlic is one of my favorite foods across the board. It’s one of the most nutritious foods out there. It’s good for gut health. It’s an anti-microbial, good for immune health, heart health, and detoxification. But the question is, are you destroying the benefits of garlic before you even get it into your mouth? So when you consume garlic, there are two important steps that you need to make in preparation. Do not cook your garlic immediately after you cut it. This destroys a compound that creates those health benefits. Cut up your garlic into tiny pieces. Leave it out for 15 minutes. This is going to give it a chance for the enzymes to get working and create these compounds that are benefiting you. Number two, you want to cook it on low. Make sure you do not overcook your garlic. There you go. The garlic hack of the year. Remember, just like investing, good health is all about consistency, and the most satisfying gains come with patient time and routine.

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