Health is Wealth – Instant Mood Booster

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They say that health is well, and that makes sense, right? Your body and your mind, those are investments. And the more you pay attention to what you’re putting into them, the more control you have of what you get out. We got to pay attention to this one. If you are overburdened with stress, one of the most powerful recommendations I give for patients is getting out into nature. We need to pay attention to the amount of nature that we are not getting because a lot of us are not getting enough nature. And it’s one of the most powerful healing interventions that we can do for our stress, period. We need to connect back to nature and allow our body to de-stress immediately. Well, what’s so special about nature, right? It offfers us negative ions, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-stress effects in the body. When we immerse ourselves in nature with no agenda other than to really just walk around and be in nature. Studies have shown that it reduces the amount of stress and inflammation in these subjects. When was the last time you went out in nature and left more angry than you did coming in or more stressed than you did before coming in? The answer’s probably never. It’s because nature is powerfully healing, and we all know this, it’s why we’re drawn to nature. So make sure you make time wherever you are in the country to get out in nature and find some time to de-stress. Just like with investing, good health is all about consistency, and the most satisfying gains come with patience, time and routine.

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